November 13, 2012

Must have the precious!

Yes, I am a designer, and I believe in using multiples of plants to achieve harmony and cohesiveness.  But, darn it, I am foremost a die-hard plant-lusterer.  That is why I will search and go to greater lengths for plants grown by Xera or other unusual plant broker.  'Must have the precious!'

Some of the precious at this junction of my life are the following:

This is the fatsia 'Spider Web' which I have in the white garden.  No the tomato cage is not misplaced.  Unfortunately, the deer find this gem as delightful as I do.

This plant I find people are not on the fence over it.  In short, they either hate it or love it. This darling is the corokia cotoneaster.  I love the charm of its' contorted habit and delicate-like branching.  It is juxtaposed here with an oak-leaf hydrangea to play off the opposing textures.
 Okay, you caught me.  If you have seen any of my other posts, you are no stranger to this beauty.  Acer griseum.   It is the middle of November, and she is finally in fall splendor.
This one, I am embarrassed to note, I haven't a clue.  What I do know is that it is evergreen;  deer-resistant; bears lovely white berries this time of the year; and originated from Xera.   Anybody have any hunches?

Enjoy the precious, they make the rest of the garden more bedazzled!

Peace out,


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