September 8, 2013

Beachward bound!

One of the enticing elements about going to the beach, is that you never know what type of weather you are in store for.  Maybe its' the gambler in me, but its' fun to let the dice roll and watch how they land.

In our case, we left Portland, yesterday, engulfed by clouds.  This is the what we found a couple of hours later:

I would say the dice were in our favor.  As the day stretched out, the entire sky was void of any clouds.  The kind of day, that Oregon beachcombers, live for.

Just outside of Illwaco, Washington, is a charming lady's home away from Paris.  All signs, affirm her deep love for this beautiful city.  Even down to the chickens, why even the chickens originate from France.

 This land is utilized to the utmost.  There are terraces of lavender, and even a tree house and well.
And one can not forget the lovely purple houses.  Charming.

Towards the end of our trip, we stopped at the Astoria Mari-time Museum.  We were fortunate to view a 'buoy tending' ship, named the 'Ironwood'.

I was curious about the name, and one young fella on the ship informed me that buoy-tending ships were named after trees and shrubs.  Other similar goal-oriented ships are named:  Balsam; Cactus; Cowslip; Woodbine; Gentian; Laurel; Clover; Sorrel;  CitrusConifer; Madrona; and Tupelo.
What a wonderful visit to the beach.  September is a wonderful time to visit the ocean, and inhale the ocean air and walk along the foam-lined edges.



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