January 6, 2013

Hellebore, a Ray of Sunshine Amidst the Dark Winter.

 Here in the Pacific Northwest the blooming of hellebores is a favorite late winter reminder that spring is right around the corner.   Or is at least is heading in the that direction. :)  A wiser person than I once told me 'that you learn more from your mistakes then your successes.'   Well, I am now much wiser on the placement of hellebores.  In my case we placed the hellebores in the south-forty of the lot.   With those luscious hunter-green leaves covering the flowers, even with binocular vision would I be able to see the flowers.  But where there is a will, there is a way.   I heard years ago that cutting the hellebores leaves this time of year, or when the flowers are just starting to ripen, serves two purposes.  One is that the beautiful flowers are visible, and two, in the Spring the new leaves will be fresh and new.  With this in mind, this is what I looked at this afternoon:

Not a pretty picture for darn certain.  But ten minutes of puttering, and I have these little beauties looking at me.

These hellebores, are in the 'orientalis' family, typically blooming from January into March.  Now if you are in need of inspiration earlier than this family can provide, ( and whom on earth wouldn't?) I might suggest the 'Gold Collection' of hellebores. Not only do they have the long and earlier blooms, but they also have flowers that are more upright than the old-fashioned hellebores.

Advantages of placing the hellebore in a hanging basket is that I can see the flowers.  Also, if you just happen to have a raised bed about eye level in the part shade, you found the plant to place there.

Another reason I'm in lust over these plants is that they are deer-proof.  I don't say that often, but these plants will not be touched by Bambi.  Here is another picture I wanted to share, because it is deer-resistant and all evergreen. ( Including the hellebore.)
Hang in there gardeners, soon we will be cutting daffodils and inhaling sweet sweet daphne.  I promise.


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