January 17, 2013

Vanguards of Spring

On these rare sunny days of January, its' easy to deludes oneself that Spring is around the corner.  My belief is that it is 'selective' amnesia.   But as I am wandering around the garden, I find this front-line combat plants that only make this amnesia more susceptible.

This lovely primrose which I'm sure was a freebee from my job, certainly looks jolly mingled in with the hardy cyclamen.

Here is another one of Laura's pet favorites, a Helleborus foetidus, or stinking hellebore.  This one, unlike the orientalis, does better with a bit more sun.  Other characteristics are evergreen, and finely dissected foliage which is a wonderful foil played up next to hostas and heucheras.
I am head over plant lust with this one.  Viburnum 'Pink Dawn'.  This gem will tolerate a little shade, as do most viburnums, and it blooms from November until golly sometimes into February.  And the flowers are such a sweet fragrance.  

I hope you were able to spend a little time on one of these rare sunny days of January.  There are treasures so soon to be discovered, yet.



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