February 23, 2013

"Rage against the dying of the light."

Anticipation, its' keeping me waiting. . . That does not mean that there are not tasks to be done at hand.

Time to prune the roses and clean up the rose bed. Did you know that alfalfa meal can actually stimulate the growth of more canes. While you are at it, you might check the pH of the rose bed if its' too acidic, this is a wonderful time to add lime.

Another item to check off of pre-spring cleaning, is too adjust the pH of your hydrangeas. What this breaks down to is whether you want pink flowers, or possibly purple flowers for the summer. In our climate, hydrangeas will naturally turn blue, with only a few varietal exceptions. But if you want to be ballsy, you can add aluminum sulfate now for purple blooms.

Hate to mention this, but this is the time of year to get those thugs in the garden in line. The bane of my existence is 'lamiastrum', a horridly rotten problem child among my precious ones. If I let it, it would run riotously all over the beds.

But as Dylan once said, "Rage against the dying of the light." And so the battle continues.

Keep on gardening, my friends, the puttering around will pay off.




Mary Jo said...
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Mary Jo said...

Thanks for the reminder!! Yikes, how does one check the pH of the "rose bed"? At least we pruned. Oh, and I will try to remember to treat the hydrangea. I would love a different color like purple this year.

Garden Fingers said...

Hi MJ,

There are pH soil kits you can get at a garden center, or even a Fred Meyers. I would test at least 4 soil samples. You want a pH of about 7 for roses. If its' much lower than 7, it's too acidic and you would want to add lime. Let me know how it goes. :)
