February 10, 2016

The Queen Awakens

"Come apart from your busyness
to be renewed and refreshed
in the company of growing things.
It won't take long,
but it will feel like a day in the country."

-Emily Barnes-
Time Began in a Garden

Winter is finally taking its' last gasps as Spring finally starts to make her appearance.

Yes, fellow putterers, its time to start clean-up winters' shenanigans and clear the entrance of wondrous Spring.  

This is a patch of helleborus gone amuck two weeks ago.  Simply some pruning up of the weather-worn leaves, and two weeks of growth and BOOM, this is the reward:
A 'hellebore forest.'  This queen does not need a tiara, she delights all whom are lucky enough to catch a glimpse of her.  Long live the queen!

Another stalwart maiden by the mailbox is this beauty, the Viburnum 'Pink Dawn'.  I adore her fierce ability to withstand the snow and cold as well as her beauty.

I invite all of you to wander out into the garden and as Emilie Barnes says, "Come apart from your busyness to be renewed and refreshed."


garden fingers

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