February 24, 2016

Elk Rock; Sojourn into Spring

 Greetings, fellow gardeners.  This week I made an annual trip to 'Elk Rock'.  Below is a favorite view of mine: the active riverbed.

One of the wonderful features of this botanical garden treasure are the name tags.  Besides the names of the plants, they reference their family from which they originate from.

This beauty, Sycopisis sinensis (Chinese Fighazel) belongs to the formidable family of the Hamamelidaceae  family.     Its personality traits, includes evergreen and as with other of its siblings, it boasts lovely dainty flowers this time of year

Another family member is this newly planted, Distylium.  Also evergreen and a prostrate habit.  Lovely.

And one of my favorites family members of the Hamamelidaceae  family is  the Corylopsis pauciflora  in total flower now:
I have a theory:  What if the numerous plants in the Hamamelidaceae  family was originally chosen because deer and elk do not eat these so readily?  Just putting it out there.

Thank you for my illustrious Landscape Architect, Florist extraordinaire-compatriot, among other vocations for making this trip with me.

Cheers and Happy Planting,

Garden Fingers

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