March 5, 2018

Mother Nature's Indomitable Spirit.

There are times that Mother Nature imprints her quality on my spirit. As all good mothers do.
A flamingo juxtaposed against Mother Nature's apocalypse winter 2018.

I am a constant student at the feet of Mother Nature.  Fooled by the previous sunny and warm weather, I prematurely went ahead and cut the roses back.  I'm always learning that Mother Nature is always in charge.

A couple of our magnificent neighbors hamming for an apple. 

I am taking a page out of Mother's Nature handbook by keeping hope alive.  Recipe for sunshine in a glass:  Daffodil budded up and placed in a favorite glass.  Marinate for a few days and boom, you've captured some serious rays.  Floating hellebores.  The incomparable queen of winter.  She has no competition as far as I'm concerned.
We've made it through another winter, and that's reason to cheer.
So fellow putterers, dust your knees off and get ready to get into the game once again.
Happy gardening,
Garden Fingers

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