March 8, 2013

Embracing Mother Nature

I was pondering on the differences between gardening and fast paced technology. The differences, for me, are glaringly obvious. I see gardening as an intuitive, and forgiving endeavor. Case in point, if you have a bulb, and its' there is no way on earth you can tell which end is supposed to be up. Simple, you plant in sideways. Because it is geo-tropic ( roots gravitating to the earth) and photo-tropic (top going toward the light) it will right itself up.

On the other had, technology, with it's CSS and html, for me, is not at all intuitive. I am currently 'working' on a website. I am flabbergasted that with one misplaced keystroke, mayhem insues.

So, this is why I gravitate towards gardening. This year I took on the daunting task of pruning a 50 year old apple tree. While it is no work of art for sure, it looks a heck of a lot better than it did.
 My other pruning concentration was on a dogwood tree that my mom had brought from the home where she grew up.  I have to confess I had a love-hate relationship with this tree.  It never seemed to grow any larger and it struggled to put out a mediocre display of blooms.

This year, I now have to say I have embraced this tree which represented a tree she went to such great lengths to bring to her new home.  This is what it looks like after my pruning:
Remember, that when you are troubled by technological headaches, nature is singing your name, and is a great escape.




Mary Jo said...

Thanks for sharing, Laura. The trees look great.

Garden Fingers said...

Thanks, MJ, just getting ready for your visit! :)